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*** Save Yourself Money ***



2 Great Ways To Save Money

Money Saving Services That We Can Help You With

A lot of our customers, us included, are tired of paying month after month for lousy TV and phone services. Every year is another rate increase, and if you need service, you almost have to put in for vacation time because of all the hours you have to spend on the phone talking to Mr. India and Mrs. Philippines.

Now this is just our opinion, but we really don't think we have to tell anyone how bad Frontier Communications is. You could have a stroke just getting those people to even understand where you live, let alone understand what your phone problem might be. And if you have their DSL service, the only thing that can save you is a winning Powerball ticket! Although Frontier is upgrading their lines to fiber, if you can get it, grab it. I know people who have it and it's fast and is very reliable.

Comcast is another creature all together. We have their service, and they have made quite a lot of changes for the better. We are very happy with their Internet service, it's fast and it doesn't go down at all like it did years ago. But I can say based on my own experiences, when you do have a problem, look out trout! Trying to decipher Mr. India and hearing him tell me to "try unpluging your modem for 2 minutes." That gets very old.

There is a new way to enjoy your TV and phone service!

If you have high speed internet (Comcast, (decent DSL) or even the new Fiber from Frontier!) you can use your Internet for your phone service and many TV choices. Yes, Comcast does offer phone service which is also an Internet phone service, but it's a bit more in price than these other options that we use here.


Ooma is a great Internet Phone Service! You buy your Ooma device, which is about $39 at Walmart, or Amazon, hook it to your router, then plug in your phone. Done! Our phone bill for 2 phone lines went from $168 a month, (business lines) to only $24 month! Saving me $1,728.00 a year!!!

You can even keep your same number or just pick a new one as you hook it up. For just another $10 a month, you can forward calls to your cell phone, block telemarketers in seconds and retrieve your voice mail anywhere. If your Internet does go down, use the Ooma app on your cell phone to have your calls come directly to you. We make nothing from Ooma recommending this, we just love the service and cost savings so much, we want people to know about it.

Check it out here at www.ooma.com


Another great service that we all use is Roku. This little box plugs into your TV and works wired or wireless! They have well over 3,500 channels and almost all of them are FREE. Yes, they have some channels that you can pay for, such as HBO and others, but you don't have to pay for anything. This unit is less than $100 at Walmart. The shows come through in HD as well, some even in 4K. Now there are other services to note, Slingbox, Apple TV and more.

I personally had DirecTV, and with none of the movie channels. I was paying over $112 a month and with another rate increase on the way, I knew it was time to move on. Besides that, AT&T bought DirecTV and that was the head shot that made up my mind right then and there. Most of TV today is crap, so why pay for a bunch of channels you dont watch. Pick the channels you want, and if you want one that charges a fee, it's only a few dollars per month, which is far better than those huge bills you get now. I use my Ruku full time and will never go back! My TV bill every month, $0.00 - Savings: $1,344.00 a year!

We make nothing from Roku either, we just love the service and cost savings so much, we want people to know about it. Check it out here at www.roku.com



For years now, people have been asking, why we just can't pay for the channels we want to see on Cable or Satellite TV, sort of an A'la carte programing. Well it was suppose to go before Congress, but nothing ever happen. I'm sure that the satellite and cable companies didn't buy them off, right??

Also, if you have a land line phone, take a look at your bill. Almost half is nothing but fees and taxes. No one can seem to explain them, not even the phone company. Best thing to do with that, dump it. Nothing will ever change if we just keep laying out our hard earned money, they just keep taking more all the time. Now things have changed and people finally have a little bit of control over their choices. Look into it, and I'm sure you will be surprised how much you can save!

About these options we just showed you, here is my honest opinion about these, as I use them both in my home. Both of them save you a lot of money, not expensive to buy the equipment, and it just works. If there was anything to complain about at all, I would say this:

Ooma - It's a great service, but remember the Internet is a breed of it's own. If you are on the phone and the power goes out or blinks for a second, your modem and router reset and you lose your phone connection until it gets everything back up and running. But how often is that. A cheap UPS (uninteruptable power supply) will solve that.

Roku - My wife will sometimes complain about having to actually "pick" a show each time you turn the TV on. This is an "On Demand" type of programing, you pick it, it plays, some channels just roll to the next show and some don't. It's a little bit of an inconvenience that's not really a problem for me, but the money I save is well worth it! And I sure don't miss those long commericals that regular TV has.

We have saved a total of $3,062.00 a year, every year! That's a lot of pocket money! If you have any interest in these services and need help hooking them up, or just need a little, one on one information, just give us a call. We will be glad to help you!
